binocular adj. 双目的,双筒的。 a binocular telescope [microscope] 双筒[目]望远镜[显微镜]。 n. 〔常 pl. 〕双筒望远镜;双目显微镜。
microscope n. 显微镜。 a binocular microscope 双目显微镜。 an electron microscope 电子显微镜。 a field ion emission microscope (比电子显微镜效率大5-10倍的)场致离子投影显微镜。 a reading microscope 读数显微镜。 a solar microscope 日光显微镜。
9 the surfaces of ceramics must be checked by examining it under a 20 power binocular microscope 陶瓷表面必须用20倍的双目显微镜加以检验。
If a stereo binocular microscope has been used , a final assessment using a 10x loupe is performed before the final judgement is made on the clarity of the stone 如果使用了双目立体显微镜,在对钻石净度的最终判定之前会用10倍寸镜/放大镜做一个最后的评估。
a light microscope adapted to the use of both eyes